Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Where is Leslie Hill?

"Do you still remember Leslie Hill our former exchange student from Australia? I posted pictures taken in Jackson in front of our class room she was with Helen Dupa, Olivia Galano, Bot, Marissa & Noi; check it out in photos section...see more !!" Maley

One of our new batchmate-members in our Yahoo Groups, Amalia "Maley" Ela-Sicay brought up the whereabouts of Ms Leslie Hill; an Australian Rotary [or was it Lions?] exchange student who attended OCNHS on our last year.

Photo above shows her with batchmates [from left to right]: Gloria Escalona, Rosalinda "Baby" Ignisaban, Leslie Hill, Jovita "Bot" Alcantara, Marissa Alcantara and Maley. This was taken around February 1974.

Photo above shows, from left: Helen Dupa, Olivia Galano, Bot Alcantara, Leslie, Marissa Alcantara and Noi Yanto.

I am sure that Leslie time in the Philippines and in our school are full of good memories. for sure she won't forget the debut party she had at Lindayag Building courtesy of her Rotarian spnsors, and in which we attended and participated in that traditional Rigodon dance for the debutant.

Hope Leslie will Google her name and find us, her long lost batchmates!

Thanks Maley for the pictures and the memories.